
三星期以来,我的同事都写IWAN题目及其各种构件。广域网基础知识(和更多知识)开曼开机如何获取双频带 PfR赫克托接通glue网络如何提高iWAN经验IT使用名表示智能广域网中'WAN'是一个非常重要元素,但我们不能忘记为什么我们需要智能广域网-分支或商店并排到另一端-它有80%企业员工居住和内容爆炸发生之地云应用程序、视频培训和其他商务应用需要传送到那里。所以说分支架构和应用程序交付托管方式将是一个隐含语法很重要

This is where the UCS E-Series Servers come in.  As an extension of the ever-popular Cisco's UCS servers in the data center, the UCS E-Series servers in the branch are server modules that are deployed inside the ISR G2s.  These servers are price-to-performance-optimized, simple to deploy, reliable and power efficient.  Instead of having multiple appliances in the branch including the must-have router, why not consolidate?  It saves space, which is much needed in a small branch or store, and other costs benefits including maintenance fees.  But instead of sounding like a broken record, we'd like to tell the story from our customers' point of view.

下星期三19号加入线程10AM PST for our webinar: "Transforming the Branch Office with a Single-Box Solution".  In this session, we'll review the general overview of IWAN and UCS E-Series.  In addition, we'll provide more details on UCSE, in the context of customers and details of their specific deployment of the solution.   And this is what is amazing about the UCSE, its versatility.  One customer will use it to host a VDI solution – it gives them flexibility, agility and business continuity.  One customer uses UCSE to host medical applications that help connect the previously unconnected hospitals and patient data.  This helps doctors effectively treat their patients – the more information they have, the easier it is to diagnose.  More technical details will be discussed in the webinar and these videos helps set the stage:


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