紧随其后聊天吧CiscostSeries:事件社会媒体USTREAM小组讨论a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to share my recent experience with Cisco LIVE. I remember the late 90s when I started working in the tech sector. Customer events and conferences were primarily in-person and we were just beginning to explore ways of extending content virtually. Fast forward 15 years and things have really changed. Even if you can't attend an event, chances are you can still experience some, if not much of the content virtually and feel part of the event. A good example of this is, this year's Cisco LIVE US in Orlando, FL. 20,000 people attended in-person and 250,000 people participated virtually.
今年我没能到Orlando, 但我从中查看了很多内容CiscoLive365多场基调会议几乎都看得到,我不得不说,对话是惊人的。这是我们有史以来最大的CiscoLive事件令我们欢欣鼓舞。包括John Chambers和Jim Grub戴夫埃文斯未来视图布莱尔克思蒂结束基调采访Charles Branson。我团队中多位成员带回大故事,我们团队乐于为参加Orlando的客户组织晚间活动。谢谢你加入我们,希望你玩得开心!
通过虚拟通道扩展事件内容是扩展分享的大法 。 您如何扩展事件? 您是否看到更多观众通过虚拟通道加入社会媒体允许我们也感到离事件近得多。不能到场,但有话要说吗?#CLUS,CL365.....BizBash文章社会媒体如何成为CiscoLive的一个组成部分。顺便说一下,如果你今年错过CiscoLive,你仍然可以通过内容获取CiscoLive365..............CiscoLive2014.