
由Cisco高级产品营销管理器Greg Nehib编写nehib-1



These NFV implementations have had a greater near term impact because they are quicker to deploy and have an arguably more immediate business impact.  If you think about SDN, it's an efficient way of managing large mixed networks and orchestrating NFV.  SDN is a much different task once you add the clause about mixed networks and once you consider the operational impacts of network wide orchestration capabilities.  Mixed networks in this context could mean deploying virtualization across multiple market segments like virtualized mobility, virtualized video, and virtualized network assets.  It could also apply to multi-layer services and multi-vendor deployments.  Anytime we discuss multi-layer convergence I see people start to squirm in their seats.  Making service delivery work across multivendor environments is even more complicated, but within this network evolution Multi-layer and multi-vendor are absolutely required.帮助解决混合网络管理调试使SDN的承诺如此强大

建立虚拟化必备文件列表 供我们接近BBWF14时参考


  1. 端用户服务自服务门户创建修改
  2. 多视频多路提供管理
  3. 完全自动化编译服务减少操作费用
  4. 服务基础设施VNF
  5. 多重VNF服务链
  6. 弹性用量/部署选项包括:
    1. 个体VNFs
    2. VNFs加SDN编程
    3. 完全集成SDN编程、设备部署服务
    4. As-As-Service提供模型

That's a quick list and I would guess that other than As-a-Service options, the rest of this is somewhat expected, sometimes overlooked, yet well understood.  As-a-Service options are well understood too.  I have seen more Service Provider interest in As-a-Service options in the past 12 months.  Much of this is due to either the desire to trial a new service with a lower first cost, or increased service velocity in competitive environments.  As-a-Service options are also attractive when trying to compete outside your typical service geography, or in other words to meet high priority customer requirements for a global service in regions that you don't normally have network assets deployed.

BBWF2014应是一个大事件 。我期待基调、辩论和新手展示博览会 。在如此短的时段内,这么多事需要消化, 重要的是先知道想看什么再走





