

会有一些思科团队出席大会。我们的出席由思科美洲网络团队牵头,负责脸书工作的各个方面(TIP创建者)和其他网络级提供商下星期Cisco在伦敦与TIP峰会团队合作。 并有Cisco客户经验团队成员(进化Cisco服务组织 ), 包括我(! ) 和服务提供者移动总技术局团队成员参加。展览者楼BoothG2展示各种令人振奋的创举


个人参与极感兴奋5G农村优先项目(illustrated in the short video below), where this Cisco-led consortium, together with our lead partner, the University of Strathclyde and 28 (!) other key partner organisations, is developing a 5G Testbed and Trial in rural Orkney, Shropshire and Somerset in the UK.  Cisco and our partners are happy, as one of the use cases, to provide a testbed opportunity to the TIP Open Cellular initiative – in particular employing the Acceleran disaggregated small-cell solution which is suitable for (literally) rural community deployment – reflecting Cisco's commitment and efforts in partnering and working with Facebook to help connect the unconnected.  Also at our booth, you can also see a Dynamic Shared Spectrum demo by our lead partner in this initiative, the University of Strathclyde.


10月16日星期二下午4点15分5G农村优先团队成员 包括我 将参加小组讨论焦点剧院, moderated by Dr Robert Pepper, Head of Global Connectivity Policy and Planning at Facebook.  We'll talk about the key use cases we are trialing in this exciting project, including several use cases from precision agriculture, dynamic shared spectrum, 5G network slicing across the Cisco 5G network cloud core, and give insights into the 5G business models that could help kick-start 5G deployments in rural areas.  Joining me on the panel are some of our key partners from 5G RuralFirst, including the University of Strathclyde, Agri-Epi Centre, and BT.  Also joining us is a representative from UK Government Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) who are co-funding six different 5G Testbed and Trial projects across the UK, including 5G RuralFirst, as part of5G英国策略.







