
5G主导2019移动世界大会头条,多发新手机和网络组件公告Jonathan Davidson博客.5G最新移动标准大幅提高移动宽带速度并降低延迟度。 然而尽管对5G服务的需求压倒性,会议消息显示至少2021年之前我们将看到早期城市固定无线机密度化和2021年之前所有广度手机可用性




5G服务要到2021年才能普及 所有运算符开始变换


  1. 建设交通基础设施能力包括5G核心、回游和前游高密度400G线卡包核投资满足5G需求网络切片、段路由、自动化)同时降低成本比特
  2. 通过自动化降低运营成本.Service Providers are investing in tools to lower the cost of operations and accelerate the speed at which they can launch new services.  Cisco Crosswork is a good example of a tool that uses machine learning to detect and predict operational issues and adapt the network for optimal performance.  Cisco Crosswork also provides automation tools which has provided one Service Provider with significant productivity improvement by being able to update 60K routers per night.  Another example is Cisco Network Services Orchestrator which is a tool to accelerate the launch of new services with automated self service and on-demand provisioning.  It is reducing the time to market from months to days.
  3. 搭建B2B服务新市场模型和嵌入式安全.Unlike 4G where the focus was on mass-market mobile broadband for smartphones, the early uptake of 5G services is with the business customer where operators believe there is a premium for the innovative new applications that will be created with low latency and increased speed. One example of this innovation is network slicing where an Enterprise will take a slice of an operators' network to operate a virtual private 5G network.  We also expect Enterprises to be investing in WiFi 6 (or 802.11ax) in late 2019.  This technology is built from a similar technical foundation as 5G and offers higher speeds, lower latency and increased capacity in the enterprise campus.

5G挑战之一是未来实现回报的投资需求。 为了缓解这一挑战,思科通过融资分支CiscoCapital认捐5B资金,帮助运营商通过变换企业并建设新网络的现金流动挑战帮助运营商。思科Citapt也为企业客户提供各种支付解决方案,以加速5G产品和服务的推广





